Source code for pystac_client.client

import re
import warnings
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import (

import pystac
import pystac.utils
import pystac.validation
from pystac import CatalogType, Collection
from pystac.layout import APILayoutStrategy, HrefLayoutStrategy
from requests import Request

from pystac_client._utils import Modifiable, call_modifier
from pystac_client.collection_client import CollectionClient
from pystac_client.conformance import ConformanceClasses
from pystac_client.errors import ClientTypeError
from pystac_client.exceptions import APIError
from pystac_client.item_search import (
from pystac_client.mixins import QUERYABLES_ENDPOINT, QueryablesMixin
from pystac_client.stac_api_io import StacApiIO, Timeout
from pystac_client.warnings import DoesNotConformTo, FallbackToPystac, NoConformsTo

    from pystac.item import Item as Item_Type

[docs]class Client(pystac.Catalog, QueryablesMixin): """A Client for interacting with the root of a STAC Catalog or API Instances of the ``Client`` class inherit from :class:`pystac.Catalog` and provide a convenient way of interacting with STAC Catalogs OR STAC APIs that conform to the `STAC API spec <>`_. In addition to being a valid `STAC Catalog <>`_ APIs that have a ``"conformsTo"`` indicate that it supports additional functionality on top of a normal STAC Catalog, such as searching items (e.g., /search endpoint). """ _stac_io: Optional[StacApiIO] _fallback_strategy: HrefLayoutStrategy = APILayoutStrategy() def __init__( self, id: str, description: str, title: Optional[str] = None, stac_extensions: Optional[List[str]] = None, extra_fields: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, href: Optional[str] = None, catalog_type: CatalogType = CatalogType.ABSOLUTE_PUBLISHED, strategy: Optional[HrefLayoutStrategy] = None, *, modifier: Optional[Callable[[Modifiable], None]] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ): super().__init__( id, description, title=title, stac_extensions=stac_extensions, extra_fields=extra_fields, href=href, catalog_type=catalog_type, strategy=strategy, **kwargs, ) self.modifier = modifier def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<Client id={}>".format(
[docs] @classmethod def open( cls, url: str, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ignore_conformance: Optional[bool] = None, modifier: Optional[Callable[[Modifiable], None]] = None, request_modifier: Optional[Callable[[Request], Union[Request, None]]] = None, stac_io: Optional[StacApiIO] = None, timeout: Optional[Timeout] = None, ) -> "Client": """Opens a STAC Catalog or API This function will read the root catalog of a STAC Catalog or API Args: url : The URL of a STAC Catalog. headers : A dictionary of additional headers to use in all requests made to any part of this Catalog/API. parameters: Optional dictionary of query string parameters to include in all requests. ignore_conformance (DEPRECATED) : Ignore any advertised Conformance Classes in this Catalog/API. This means that functions will skip checking conformance, and may throw an unknown error if that feature is not supported, rather than a :class:`NotImplementedError`. .. deprecated:: 0.7.0 Conformance can be altered rather than ignored using methods like :meth:`clear_conforms_to` and :meth:`add_conforms_to` modifier : A callable that modifies the children collection and items returned by this Client. This can be useful for injecting authentication parameters into child assets to access data from non-public sources. The callable should expect a single argument, which will be one of the following types: * :class:`pystac.Collection` * :class:`pystac.Item` * :class:`pystac.ItemCollection` * A STAC item-like :class:`dict` * A STAC collection-like :class:`dict` The callable should mutate the argument in place and return ``None``. ``modifier`` propagates recursively to children of this Client. After getting a child collection with, e.g. :meth:`Client.get_collection`, the child items of that collection will still be signed with ``modifier``. request_modifier: A callable that either modifies a `Request` instance or returns a new one. This can be useful for injecting Authentication headers and/or signing fully-formed requests (e.g. signing requests using AWS SigV4). The callable should expect a single argument, which will be an instance of :class:`requests.Request`. If the callable returns a `requests.Request`, that will be used. Alternately, the callable may simply modify the provided request object and return `None`. stac_io: A `StacApiIO` object to use for I/O requests. Generally, leave this to the default. However in cases where customized I/O processing is required, a custom instance can be provided here. timeout: Optional float or (float, float) tuple following the semantics defined by `Requests <>`__. Return: catalog : A :class:`Client` instance for this Catalog/API """ client: Client = cls.from_file( url, headers=headers, parameters=parameters, modifier=modifier, request_modifier=request_modifier, stac_io=stac_io, timeout=timeout, ) if ignore_conformance is not None: warnings.warn( ( "The `ignore_conformance` option is deprecated and will be " "removed in the next major release. Instead use `set_conforms_to` " "or `add_conforms_to` to control behavior." ), FutureWarning, ) if not client.has_conforms_to(): warnings.warn(NoConformsTo()) return client
[docs] @classmethod def from_file( # type: ignore cls, href: str, stac_io: Optional[StacApiIO] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, modifier: Optional[Callable[[Modifiable], None]] = None, request_modifier: Optional[Callable[[Request], Union[Request, None]]] = None, timeout: Optional[Timeout] = None, ) -> "Client": """Open a STAC Catalog/API Returns: Client: A Client (PySTAC Catalog) of the root Catalog for this Catalog/API """ if stac_io is None: stac_io = StacApiIO( headers=headers, parameters=parameters, request_modifier=request_modifier, timeout=timeout, ) else: stac_io.update( headers=headers, parameters=parameters, request_modifier=request_modifier, timeout=timeout, ) client: Client = super().from_file(href, stac_io) client.modifier = modifier return client
[docs] def has_conforms_to(self) -> bool: """Whether server contains list of ``"conformsTo"`` URIs""" return "conformsTo" in self.extra_fields
[docs] def get_conforms_to(self) -> List[str]: """List of ``"conformsTo"`` URIs Return: List[str]: List of URIs that the server conforms to """ return cast(List[str], self.extra_fields.get("conformsTo", []).copy())
[docs] def set_conforms_to(self, conformance_uris: List[str]) -> None: """Set list of ``"conformsTo"`` URIs Args: conformance_uris : URIs indicating what the server conforms to """ self.extra_fields["conformsTo"] = conformance_uris
[docs] def clear_conforms_to(self) -> None: """Clear list of ``"conformsTo"`` urls Removes the entire list, so :py:meth:`has_conforms_to` will return False after using this method. """ self.extra_fields.pop("conformsTo", None)
[docs] def add_conforms_to(self, name: str) -> None: """Add ``"conformsTo"`` by name. Args: name : name of :py:class:`ConformanceClasses` keys to add. """ conformance_class = ConformanceClasses.get_by_name(name) if not self.conforms_to(conformance_class): self.set_conforms_to([*self.get_conforms_to(), conformance_class.valid_uri])
[docs] def remove_conforms_to(self, name: str) -> None: """Remove ``"conformsTo"`` by name. Args: name : name of :py:class:`ConformanceClasses` keys to remove. """ conformance_class = ConformanceClasses.get_by_name(name) self.set_conforms_to( [ uri for uri in self.get_conforms_to() if not re.match(conformance_class.pattern, uri) ] )
[docs] def conforms_to(self, conformance_class: Union[ConformanceClasses, str]) -> bool: """Checks whether the API conforms to the given standard. This method only checks against the ``"conformsTo"`` property from the API landing page and does not make any additional calls to a ``/conformance`` endpoint even if the API provides such an endpoint. Args: name : name of :py:class:`ConformanceClasses` keys to check conformance against. Return: bool: Indicates if the API conforms to the given spec or URI. """ if isinstance(conformance_class, str): conformance_class = ConformanceClasses.get_by_name(conformance_class) return any( re.match(conformance_class.pattern, uri) for uri in self.get_conforms_to() )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict( cls, d: Dict[str, Any], href: Optional[str] = None, root: Optional[pystac.Catalog] = None, migrate: bool = False, preserve_dict: bool = True, modifier: Optional[Callable[[Modifiable], None]] = None, ) -> "Client": try: # this will return a Client because we have used a StacApiIO instance result = super().from_dict( d=d, href=href, root=root, migrate=migrate, preserve_dict=preserve_dict ) except pystac.STACTypeError: raise ClientTypeError( f"Could not open Client (href={href}), " f"expected type=Catalog, found type={d.get('type', None)}" ) result.modifier = modifier return result
def _supports_collections(self) -> bool: return self.conforms_to(ConformanceClasses.COLLECTIONS) or self.conforms_to( ConformanceClasses.FEATURES ) def _warn_about_fallback(self, *args: str) -> None: if self.has_conforms_to(): warnings.warn(DoesNotConformTo(*args), stacklevel=2) warnings.warn(FallbackToPystac(), stacklevel=2)
[docs] def get_merged_queryables(self, collections: List[str]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the set of queryables in common to the specified collections. Queryables from multiple collections are unioned together, except in the case when the same queryable key has a different definition, in which case that key is dropped. Output is a dictionary that can be used in ``jsonshema.validate`` Args: collections List[str]: The IDs of the collections to inspect. Return: Dict[str, Any]: Dictionary containing queryable fields """ if not collections: raise ValueError("cannot get_merged_queryables from empty Iterable") if not self.conforms_to(ConformanceClasses.FILTER): raise DoesNotConformTo( response = self.get_queryables_from( self._get_collection_queryables_href(collections[0]) ) response.pop("$id") addl_props = response.get("additionalProperties", False) for collection in collections[1:]: resp = self.get_queryables_from( self._get_collection_queryables_href(collection) ) # additionalProperties is false if any collection doesn't support additional # properties addl_props &= resp.get("additionalProperties", False) # drop queryables if their keys match, but the descriptions differ for k in set(resp["properties"]).intersection(response["properties"]): if resp["properties"][k] != response["properties"][k]: resp["properties"].pop(k) response["properties"].pop(k) response["properties"].update(resp["properties"]) return response
[docs] @lru_cache() def get_collection(self, collection_id: str) -> Union[Collection, CollectionClient]: """Get a single collection from this Catalog/API Args: collection_id: The Collection ID to get Returns: Union[Collection, CollectionClient]: A STAC Collection Raises: NotFoundError if collection_id does not exist. """ collection: Union[Collection, CollectionClient] if self._supports_collections(): assert self._stac_io is not None url = self._collections_href(collection_id) collection = CollectionClient.from_dict( self._stac_io.read_json(url), root=self, modifier=self.modifier, ) call_modifier(self.modifier, collection) else: self._warn_about_fallback("COLLECTIONS", "FEATURES") for collection in super().get_collections(): if == collection_id: call_modifier(self.modifier, collection) return collection
[docs] def get_collections(self) -> Iterator[Collection]: """Get Collections in this Catalog Gets the collections from the /collections endpoint if supported, otherwise fall back to Catalog behavior of following child links Return: Iterator[Union[Collection, CollectionClient]]: Collections in Catalog/API """ collection: Union[Collection, CollectionClient] if self._supports_collections(): assert self._stac_io is not None url = self._collections_href() for page in self._stac_io.get_pages(url): if "collections" not in page: raise APIError("Invalid response from /collections") for col in page["collections"]: collection = CollectionClient.from_dict( col, root=self, modifier=self.modifier ) call_modifier(self.modifier, collection) yield collection else: self._warn_about_fallback("COLLECTIONS", "FEATURES") for collection in super().get_collections(): call_modifier(self.modifier, collection) yield collection
[docs] def get_items( self, *ids: str, recursive: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Iterator["Item_Type"]: """Return all items of this catalog. Args: ids: Zero or more item ids to find. recursive: unused in pystac-client, but needed for falling back to pystac Return: Iterator[Item]: Iterator of items whose parent is this catalog. """ if self.conforms_to(ConformanceClasses.ITEM_SEARCH): search = yield from search.items() else: self._warn_about_fallback("ITEM_SEARCH") for item in super().get_items( *ids, recursive=recursive is None or recursive ): call_modifier(self.modifier, item) yield item
[docs] def get_all_items(self) -> Iterator["Item_Type"]: """Get all items from this catalog and all subcatalogs. Will traverse any subcatalogs recursively, or use the /search endpoint if supported Returns: Iterator[Item]: All items that belong to this catalog, and all catalogs or collections connected to this catalog through child links. """ yield from self.get_items()
[docs] def search( self, *, method: Optional[str] = "POST", max_items: Optional[int] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ids: Optional[IDsLike] = None, collections: Optional[CollectionsLike] = None, bbox: Optional[BBoxLike] = None, intersects: Optional[IntersectsLike] = None, datetime: Optional[DatetimeLike] = None, query: Optional[QueryLike] = None, filter: Optional[FilterLike] = None, filter_lang: Optional[FilterLangLike] = None, sortby: Optional[SortbyLike] = None, fields: Optional[FieldsLike] = None, ) -> ItemSearch: """Query the ``/search`` endpoint using the given parameters. This method returns an :class:`~pystac_client.ItemSearch` instance. See that class's documentation for details on how to get the number of matches and iterate over results. The ``url``, `stac_io``, and ``client`` keywords are supplied by this Client instance. .. warning:: This method is only implemented if the API conforms to the `STAC API - Item Search <>`__ spec *and* contains a link with a ``"rel"`` type of ``"search"`` in its root catalog. If the API does not meet either of these criteria, this method will raise a :exc:`NotImplementedError`. Args: method : The HTTP method to use when making a request to the service. This must be either ``"GET"``, ``"POST"``, or ``None``. If ``None``, this will default to ``"POST"``. If a ``"POST"`` request receives a ``405`` status for the response, it will automatically retry with ``"GET"`` for all subsequent requests. max_items : The maximum number of items to return from the search, even if there are more matching results. This client to limit the total number of Items returned from the :meth:`items`, :meth:`item_collections`, and :meth:`items_as_dicts methods`. The client will continue to request pages of items until the number of max items is reached. Setting this to ``None`` will allow iteration over a possibly very large number of results. limit: A recommendation to the service as to the number of items to return *per page* of results. Defaults to 100. ids: List of one or more Item ids to filter on. collections: List of one or more Collection IDs or :class:`pystac.Collection` instances. Only Items in one of the provided Collections will be searched bbox: A list, tuple, or iterator representing a bounding box of 2D or 3D coordinates. Results will be filtered to only those intersecting the bounding box. intersects: A string or dictionary representing a GeoJSON geometry, or an object that implements a ``__geo_interface__`` property, as supported by several libraries including Shapely, ArcPy, PySAL, and geojson. Results filtered to only those intersecting the geometry. datetime: Either a single datetime or datetime range used to filter results. You may express a single datetime using a :class:`datetime.datetime` instance, a `RFC 3339-compliant <>`__ timestamp, or a simple date string (see below). Instances of :class:`datetime.datetime` may be either timezone aware or unaware. Timezone aware instances will be converted to a UTC timestamp before being passed to the endpoint. Timezone unaware instances are assumed to represent UTC timestamps. You may represent a datetime range using a ``"/"`` separated string as described in the spec, or a list, tuple, or iterator of 2 timestamps or datetime instances. For open-ended ranges, use either ``".."`` (``'2020-01-01:00:00:00Z/..'``, ``['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', '..']``) or a value of ``None`` (``['2020-01-01:00:00:00Z', None]``). If using a simple date string, the datetime can be specified in ``YYYY-mm-dd`` format, optionally truncating to ``YYYY-mm`` or just ``YYYY``. Simple date strings will be expanded to include the entire time period, for example: - ``2017`` expands to ``2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2017-12-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06`` expands to ``2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-06-30T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06-10`` expands to ``2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-10T23:59:59Z`` If used in a range, the end of the range expands to the end of that day/month/year, for example: - ``2017/2018`` expands to ``2017-01-01T00:00:00Z/2018-12-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06/2017-07`` expands to ``2017-06-01T00:00:00Z/2017-07-31T23:59:59Z`` - ``2017-06-10/2017-06-11`` expands to ``2017-06-10T00:00:00Z/2017-06-11T23:59:59Z`` query: List or JSON of query parameters as per the STAC API `query` extension filter: JSON of query parameters as per the STAC API `filter` extension filter_lang: Language variant used in the filter body. If `filter` is a dictionary or not provided, defaults to 'cql2-json'. If `filter` is a string, defaults to `cql2-text`. sortby: A single field or list of fields to sort the response by fields: A list of fields to include in the response. Note this may result in invalid STAC objects, as they may not have required fields. Use `items_as_dicts` to avoid object unmarshalling errors. Returns: search : An ItemSearch instance that can be used to iterate through Items. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the API does not conform to the `Item Search spec <>`__ or does not have a link with a ``"rel"`` type of ``"search"``. """ if not self.conforms_to(ConformanceClasses.ITEM_SEARCH): raise DoesNotConformTo( "ITEM_SEARCH", "There is no fallback option available for search." ) return ItemSearch( url=self._search_href(), method=method, max_items=max_items, client=self, limit=limit, ids=ids, collections=collections, bbox=bbox, intersects=intersects, datetime=datetime, query=query, filter=filter, filter_lang=filter_lang, sortby=sortby, fields=fields, modifier=self.modifier, )
def _search_href(self) -> str: search_link = self.get_search_link() href = self._get_href("search", search_link, "search") return href def _collections_href(self, collection_id: Optional[str] = None) -> str: data_link = self.get_single_link("data") href = self._get_href("data", data_link, "collections") if collection_id is not None: return f"{href.rstrip('/')}/{collection_id}" return href def _get_collection_queryables_href( self, collection_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> str: href = self._collections_href(collection_id) return f"{href.rstrip('/')}/{QUERYABLES_ENDPOINT}"