Source code for pystac_client.stac_api_io

import json
import logging
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import pystac
from import Link
from pystac.serialization import (
from pystac.stac_io import DefaultStacIO
from requests import Request, Session
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3 import Retry

import pystac_client

from .exceptions import APIError

    from pystac.catalog import Catalog as Catalog_Type
    from pystac.stac_object import STACObject as STACObject_Type

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

Timeout = Union[float, Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, None]]

[docs]class StacApiIO(DefaultStacIO): def __init__( self, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, conformance: Optional[List[str]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, request_modifier: Optional[Callable[[Request], Union[Request, None]]] = None, timeout: Optional[Timeout] = None, max_retries: Optional[Union[int, Retry]] = 5, ): """Initialize class for API IO Args: headers : Optional dictionary of headers to include in all requests conformance (DEPRECATED) : Optional list of `Conformance Classes <>`__. .. deprecated:: 0.7.0 Conformance can be altered on the client class directly parameters: Optional dictionary of query string parameters to include in all requests. request_modifier: Optional callable that can be used to modify Request objects before they are sent. If provided, the callable receives a `request.Request` and must either modify the object directly or return a new / modified request instance. timeout: Optional float or (float, float) tuple following the semantics defined by `Requests <>`__. max_retries: The number of times to retry requests. Set to ``None`` to disable retries. Return: StacApiIO : StacApiIO instance """ # TODO - this should super() to parent class if conformance is not None: warnings.warn( ( "The `conformance` option is deprecated and will be " "removed in the next major release. Instead use " "`Client.set_conforms_to` or `Client.add_conforms_to` to control " "behavior." ), category=FutureWarning, ) self.session = Session() if max_retries: self.session.mount("http://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_retries)) self.session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=max_retries)) self.timeout = timeout self.update( headers=headers, parameters=parameters, request_modifier=request_modifier )
[docs] def update( self, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, request_modifier: Optional[Callable[[Request], Union[Request, None]]] = None, timeout: Optional[Timeout] = None, ) -> None: """Updates this StacApi's headers, parameters, and/or request_modifer. Args: headers : Optional dictionary of headers to include in all requests parameters: Optional dictionary of query string parameters to include in all requests. request_modifier: Optional callable that can be used to modify Request objects before they are sent. If provided, the callable receives a `request.Request` and must either modify the object directly or return a new / modified request instance. timeout: Optional float or (float, float) tuple following the semantics defined by `Requests <>`__. """ self.session.headers.update(headers or {}) self.session.params.update(parameters or {}) # type: ignore self._req_modifier = request_modifier self.timeout = timeout
[docs] def read_text(self, source:, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Read text from the given URI. Overwrites the default method for reading text from a URL or file to allow :class:`urllib.request.Request` instances as input. This method also raises any :exc:`urllib.error.HTTPError` exceptions rather than catching them to allow us to handle different response status codes as needed. """ if isinstance(source, Link): link = source.to_dict() href = link["href"] # get headers and body from Link and add to request from simple STAC # resolver merge = bool(link.get("merge", False)) # If the link object includes a "method" property, use that. If not # fall back to 'GET'. method = link.get("method", "GET") # If the link object includes a "headers" property, use that and # respect the "merge" property. headers = link.get("headers", None) # If "POST" use the body object that and respect the "merge" property. link_body = link.get("body", {}) if method == "POST": parameters = ( {**(kwargs.get("parameters", {})), **link_body} if merge else link_body ) else: # parameters are already in the link href parameters = {} return self.request( href, method=method, headers=headers, parameters=parameters ) else: # str or something that can be str'ed href = str(source) if _is_url(href): return self.request(href, *args, **kwargs) else: with open(href) as f: href_contents = return href_contents
[docs] def request( self, href: str, method: Optional[str] = None, headers: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> str: """Makes a request to an http endpoint Args: href (str): The request URL method (Optional[str], optional): The http method to use, 'GET' or 'POST'. Defaults to None, which will result in 'GET' being used. headers (Optional[Dict[str, str]], optional): Additional headers to include in request. Defaults to None. parameters (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): parameters to send with request. Defaults to None. Raises: APIError: raised if the server returns an error response Return: str: The decoded response from the endpoint """ if method == "POST": request = Request(method=method, url=href, headers=headers, json=parameters) else: params = deepcopy(parameters) or {} request = Request(method="GET", url=href, headers=headers, params=params) try: modified = self._req_modifier(request) if self._req_modifier else None prepped = self.session.prepare_request(modified or request) msg = f"{prepped.method} {prepped.url} Headers: {prepped.headers}" if method == "POST": msg += f" Payload: {json.dumps(request.json)}" if self.timeout is not None: msg += f" Timeout: {self.timeout}" logger.debug(msg) send_kwargs = self.session.merge_environment_settings( prepped.url, proxies={}, stream=None, verify=True, cert=None ) resp = self.session.send(prepped, timeout=self.timeout, **send_kwargs) except Exception as err: logger.debug(err) raise APIError(str(err)) if resp.status_code != 200: raise APIError.from_response(resp) try: return resp.content.decode("utf-8") except Exception as err: raise APIError(str(err))
[docs] def write_text_to_href(self, href: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if _is_url(href): raise APIError("Transactions not supported") else: return super().write_text_to_href(href, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def stac_object_from_dict( self, d: Dict[str, Any], href: Optional[] = None, root: Optional["Catalog_Type"] = None, preserve_dict: bool = True, ) -> "STACObject_Type": """Deserializes a :class:`~pystac.STACObject` sub-class instance from a dictionary. Args: d : The dictionary to deserialize href : Optional href to associate with the STAC object root : Optional root :class:`~pystac.Catalog` to associate with the STAC object. preserve_dict: If ``False``, the dict parameter ``d`` may be modified during this method call. Otherwise the dict is not mutated. Defaults to ``True``, which results results in a deepcopy of the parameter. Set to ``False`` when possible to avoid the performance hit of a deepcopy. """ if identify_stac_object_type(d) == pystac.STACObjectType.ITEM: collection_cache = None if root is not None: collection_cache = root._resolved_objects.as_collection_cache() # Merge common properties in case this is an older STAC object. merge_common_properties( d, json_href=str(href), collection_cache=collection_cache ) info = identify_stac_object(d) d = migrate_to_latest(d, info) if info.object_type == pystac.STACObjectType.CATALOG: result = pystac_client.client.Client.from_dict( d, href=str(href), root=root, migrate=False, preserve_dict=preserve_dict ) result._stac_io = self return result if info.object_type == pystac.STACObjectType.COLLECTION: return pystac_client.collection_client.CollectionClient.from_dict( d, href=str(href), root=root, migrate=False, preserve_dict=preserve_dict ) if info.object_type == pystac.STACObjectType.ITEM: return pystac.Item.from_dict( d, href=str(href), root=root, migrate=False, preserve_dict=preserve_dict ) raise ValueError(f"Unknown STAC object type {info.object_type}")
[docs] def get_pages( self, url: str, method: Optional[str] = None, parameters: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]: """Iterator that yields dictionaries for each page at a STAC paging endpoint, e.g., /collections, /search Return: Dict[str, Any] : JSON content from a single page """ page = self.read_json(url, method=method, parameters=parameters) if not (page.get("features") or page.get("collections")): return None yield page next_link = next( (link for link in page.get("links", []) if link["rel"] == "next"), None ) while next_link: link = Link.from_dict(next_link) page = self.read_json(link, parameters=parameters) if not (page.get("features") or page.get("collections")): return None yield page # get the next link and make the next request next_link = next( (link for link in page.get("links", []) if link["rel"] == "next"), None )
def _is_url(href: str) -> bool: url = urlparse(href) return bool(url.scheme) and bool(url.netloc)