CQL2 Filtering#

This notebook demonstrates the use of pystac-client to use CQL2 filtering. The server needs to support this and advertise conformance as the https://api.stacspec.org/v1.0.0-rc.1/item-search#filter class in the conformsTo attribute of the root API.

This should be considered an experimental feature. This notebook uses the Microsoft Planetary Computer API, as it is currently the only public CQL2 implementation.

# set pystac_client logger to DEBUG to see API calls
import logging
from copy import deepcopy

import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
from shapely.geometry import shape

from pystac_client import Client

logger = logging.getLogger("pystac_client")

# convert a list of STAC Items into a GeoDataFrame
def items_to_geodataframe(items):
    _items = []
    for i in items:
        _i = deepcopy(i)
        _i["geometry"] = shape(_i["geometry"])
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(pd.json_normalize(_items))
    for field in ["properties.datetime", "properties.created", "properties.updated"]:
        if field in gdf:
            gdf[field] = pd.to_datetime(gdf[field])
    gdf.set_index("properties.datetime", inplace=True)
    return gdf
URL = "https://planetarycomputer.microsoft.com/api/stac/v1"

# custom headers
headers = []

cat = Client.open(URL, headers=headers)

Initial Search Parameters#

Here we perform a search with the Client.search function, providing a geometry (intersects) a datetime range (datetime), and filtering by Item properties (filter) using CQL2-JSON.

import json

import hvplot.pandas  # noqa: F401

# AOI around Delfzijl, in the north of The Netherlands
geom = {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
            [6.42425537109375, 53.174765470134616],
            [7.344360351562499, 53.174765470134616],
            [7.344360351562499, 53.67393435835391],
            [6.42425537109375, 53.67393435835391],
            [6.42425537109375, 53.174765470134616],

params = {
    "max_items": 100,
    "collections": "landsat-8-c2-l2",
    "intersects": geom,
    "datetime": "2018-01-01/2020-12-31",

# reusable search function
def search_fetch_plot(params, filt):
    # limit sets the # of items per page so we can see multiple pages getting fetched
    params["filter"] = filt
    search = cat.search(**params)
    items = list(search.items_as_dicts())  # safe b/c we set max_items = 100
    # DataFrame
    items_df = pd.DataFrame(items_to_geodataframe(items))
    print(f"{len(items_df.index)} items found")
    field = "properties.eo:cloud_cover"
    return items_df.hvplot(
        y=field, label=json.dumps(filt), frame_height=500, frame_width=800

CQL2 Filters#

Below are examples of several different CQL2 filters on the eo:cloud_cover property. Up to 100 Items are fetched and the eo:cloud_cover values plotted.

filt = {"op": "lte", "args": [{"property": "eo:cloud_cover"}, 10]}

search_fetch_plot(params, filt)
33 items found
filt = {"op": "gte", "args": [{"property": "eo:cloud_cover"}, 80]}

search_fetch_plot(params, filt)
92 items found
filt = {
    "op": "and",
    "args": [
        {"op": "lte", "args": [{"property": "eo:cloud_cover"}, 60]},
        {"op": "gte", "args": [{"property": "eo:cloud_cover"}, 40]},

search_fetch_plot(params, filt)
41 items found